Back to Menu Seniors Online Video Announcement
As of March 28, 2022, AGOAC has completed the 2021-2022 Seniors Online project offering selected programs for older adults and seniors to participate online. This project was funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program which provides grants for projects that make a difference in the lives of seniors and in their communities.

P R O G R A M S:

Movie Monday
Members register to watch weekly Netflix Movies and get together on Zoom to review and talk about the movies we have watched.

Fitness & Exercise (Tuesday)
Fitness & Exercise program (on Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, and dance) is scheduled from May 2021 to February 2022 to encourage Seniors to continue exercising and to stay active physically and mentally.

Busy Fingers 手作坊 (Wednesday)
Busy Fingers is a Seniors Online program consisting of 16 free fun projects (knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching and beading) scheduled between May 2021 and February 2022.

Social Chit Chat 閒談 • 小聚 (1st Thursday)
Come join us over a cup of whatever on Zoom to chit chat about various topics and other trending interests.

Travel Talk 樂 * 悠 * 遊 (2nd Thursday)
Share travel information and destination inspiration such as Nature Hikes, Urban Strolls, Discovery Walks, Day trips and International Vacations, etc.

Social Games 齊齊玩遊戲 (3rd Thursday)
Social gaming is an important source of joy and entertainment for older adults. There are cognitive benefits to playing. Come meet some new friends and play a few rounds of games with us online.

Tech Talk (4th Thursday)
Starting May 2021, Tech Talk will offer online sessions to participants who are interested in using technology for social connections and the enjoyment in the digital world.

Healthy Lifestyle (Friday)
Connect with experts as they teach you about various ways to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle. Topics range from general health, Chinese Painting and more.

* Information may be changed or updated without notice.