Mindfulness 2019-2020 正念認知課程

posted 2019-08-07 23:08 by John Chan

An introduction workshop on August 7th, 2019 Wednesday, at Room AR2/3, Angus Glen Community Centre from 7pm. to 9pm.

Mindfulness workshops and series of classes were ran over the past year. This program will be resuming on October 3rd in Fall term.

This workshop is a brief introduction of series that will be running in the coming year.
Such as:
Managing Stress and Anxiety with Mindfulness.
Mindfulness Self Compassion.
Mindfulness Refreshing group etc.
Each series is about 10 to 12 weeks.

This is a registered program, so it is highly recommended to attend this workshop before registration.

Natalie Cheung
Registered Social Worker (Master Level)
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Facilitator

Also See: Attachment