Reel Asian Film Festival Film Screenings Nov. 8 & 9, 2019

posted 2019-11-02 00:08 by Thomas Yee

AGOAC’s Filmmaking Course, with the support of the Ontario Seniors Community Grant, is preparing for the launch of the Seniors Entertainment Network (senTV). The senTV network will produce webcasting programs to promote healthy and active lifestyles for seniors by seniors.

We are excited to announce that senTV has arranged for 100 AGOAC members to attend this year’s Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival. This is Canada’s largest pan-Asian film festival showcasing films and videos by South, East, and Southeast Asian artists from Canada, the US and around the world.

There are 2 Special Screenings scheduled for senTV with 50 block-booked seatings for each screening. And senTV is offering these screenings FREE to AGOAC members.

Please CLICK HERE for full details and RSVP instructions.

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