Update - Indoor Programs

posted 2021-07-21 00:59 by Kirk McDonald

As you are aware the province has implemented Stage 3 re-opening. I know how anxious members are to resume their indoor programs. While the provincial move is a step in the right direction, we are under the umbrella of the City of Markham and it is their guidance that dictates our next moves.

The last information I have is everything is still closed until August 31, 2021 as far as indoor programs are concerned. However, this is fluid and could change at any time. When there is an update the City will notify me and I will notify members. What has been mentioned is when indoor programs restart social distancing protocols will be put in place. For some of the more popular programs that may mean a very limited attendance. It may also mean that drop in programs, as we know them, may be subject to registration. This will be something that will have to be ironed out once we have more finite information from the City.
It is coming up on a year and a half since we last interacted with our friends. But the light can be seen at the end of the tunnel and we just need a little bit more patience. Get outside and enjoy the warm weather while you can.