Pelvic Health - 認識骨盆腔器官

posted 2019-03-30 10:26 by AGOAC

Free Health Presentation

- How menopause affect our pelvic organs?
- Women with pregnancy and childbirth, did theses affect our pelvic organs?
- What is the prostate enlargement?
- How daily life, exercise, etc. affect our pelvic organs?
- When you cough, sneeze or laugh, there is urine leakage, is this aging?
- What Pelvic floor exercises or Kegel exercises?
- When you experience urgency, frequency and nocturia (to bathroom few times at night), are all these signs of aging?
- How does constipation affect our pelvic organs?
- What is uterine prolapse? bladder prolapse? rectal prolapse?
- How do our daily eating habits affect the health of the pelvic organs?

Want to know the answer, come to the lecture!


-懷孕, 生孩子後如何影響我們骨盆腔的器官?
-當你笑、咳、打噴嚏時, 有尿溢出, 是老化嗎?怎麽辦?
-什麽叫骨盆骶肌運動 (Pelvic floor exercises or Kegel exercises) ?

想知道答案, 快來參加講座!

Miranda Fung, RN, BScN; NCA
(Nurse Continence Advisor)

This presentation is held:
Date: Saturday April 27, 2019
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Place: OAC Room, 2/F at Angus Glen Community Centre

Also See: Attachment